英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:35
  • 网络解释

1. 短缺:be short for 是...的缩写(简称) | be short of 短缺 | be sick for 渴望

2. 缺乏,不足;达不到:be seated 坐下,坐着;位于... | be short of 缺乏,不足;达不到 | be skilled in 擅长

3. 缺少,不足;未达到:be made up to由......组成,由......构成 | be short of缺少,不足;未达到 | bear...in mind记住(某事)

  • 临近词

Mongolia may still be short of neighbours, but the whole world wants to be its friend.(蒙古仍然可能会缺少邻国,但整个世界都希望成为其友邦。)
The lesson from that crisis was never to be short of reserves.(那次危机的教训就是永远不要碰到外汇储备不够用。)
Jerky word is to be short of calcium likely.(抽筋的话有可能是缺钙。)
So schools will always be short of money.(因此,学校将永远是缺钱。)
Be short of clinical pharmacist make it difficult to conduct clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care in hospital.(解决临床药师缺乏的问题是临床药学与药学监护工作的关键,也是医院药学工作模式转变的关键。)
But so far this year, there has been no sign of the typical seasonal increase-prompting oil traders to worry that when winter sets in, the world will be short of oil.(但今天到目前为止,还没有迹象表明有任何的季节性的增长——这让石油经销商担心这个冬天石油会短缺。)
You may be short of money or feel deprived in some other, less tangible way.(你有可能缺少金钱,或者感到缺少别的什么不确切的东西。)
Even so, emerging-market Banks will still be short of capital.(尽管如此,新兴市场银行仍将缺少资本。)
Want to enter this special room, must have two requirements: The fortune of a huge sum and exalted social class, both be short of one cannot.(要想进入这个非凡场所,必须具备两个条件:巨额的财富和高尚的社会地位,两者缺一不可。)
If carry momentum is big, be short of zincic more, when perspiring because of the man, than feminine loss more zinc.(如果运动量大,缺锌更多,因为男人出汗的时候,比女人损失更多的锌。)
be short of是什么意思 be short of在线翻译 be short of什么意思 be short of的意思 be short of的翻译 be short of的解释 be short of的发音 be short of的同义词